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  • Use audio recording apps, social networking, and blogging to reflect and benefit your students and your own progress as an educator.
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    Digital Tools for Teacher Reflection

    by Alexandra Panos
     | Jun 20, 2014
    photo credit: boellstiftung via photopin cc

    As teachers, we learn how to improve at our jobs every day by being with students in the classroom. We learn from our mistakes and our successes, our bad days and our good ones. Bit by bit, year by year, we become experts. Marilyn Cochran-Smith and Susan Lytle (Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research in the Next Generation, 2009) call this work—of the actively involved, inquiring teacher—“theory building.” Through theory building we develop informed and well-articulated “theories” or knowledge about one’s classroom. The practice of reflection and inquiry into our methods and the realities of our students’ lives and learning require time and work, as we all know too well. I have found that digital tools support this work by making reflection smoother and more accessible in the short and long term.

    Digital tools afford us unique ways to reflect. The reality is that teachers have always reflected. Honing the tools we use to reflect and connect them to the purposes we have for reflection can help us build relationships, support student learning, and adjust our approaches to lessons.

    These are three ways to approach reflection in the classroom in order to benefit your students and your own progress as an educator:

    • Taking “snapshots” of your day with audio recording apps
    • Capturing student thinking with classroom social networking
    • Processing for the long term with your own blog

    Take “Snapshots” of Your Day With Audio Recording Apps

    How many times has a sticky note stuck on your desk reminded you to call a parent or check in with a student about missing work? Taking snapshots of your day can help you sort through the major events of the day as well as work as a good reminder system and re-set for the following morning. Rather than write down notes, taking a snapshot of your thinking at the end of the day using audio recording apps on your phone or tablet can allow you to think about the day and make a plan for tomorrow.

    For my purposes, I use my cell phone to record major events of the day, concerns about students, and reminders on my way home or while sitting at my desk before leaving for the day. Then, the next morning I check in with myself. Try searching your app store for:

    Here free audio recording apps for Android phones:

    And here are free audio recording apps for iPhone/iPad:

    Capture Student Thinking With Online Forums

    We know that a better understanding of student thinking on a day-to-day basis benefits learning outcomes. Thus, at the end of lessons we have our summarizing activities or our exit slips or some other creative way to touch base with our students as they head out of class. Another way to do this is through school-based, password-protected social media sites. These sites allow you to throw out a question, share a link, or ask students to do the same. Depending on your school and student population’s access to technology, this could be done at school or at home.

    I have found that using this type of digital tool to pose open-ended questions or for private messaging (so that students can ask questions without the risk of embarrassment) helped me get a better sense of how students feel and think about content and life in the classroom. Here, I am sharing just two of many social networking sites for schools that are protected, free, easy to use, and student/parent friendly.

    Here are some social networking sites for the classroom:

    • Edmodo: Includes a newsfeed, posting options, etc., which makes it operate much like Facebook. Also includes a library for documents, quizzing/polling options, and small group options. Allows you to network with other classes in your school and with educators around the world.
    • twiducate: Functions much as does Twitter, with short posts allowing the embedding of files, videos and images. Much more limited than Edmodo, but does include post threading and like functions.

    Processing for the Long Term With Your Own Blog

    The ideas and tools above support daily rather than long-term or project-/unit-oriented reflection. These are snapshots, quick moments captured to understand events and problems that occur quickly. To process and reflect for long-term writing, developing a blog, or digital “journal” on a weekly or project-basis can help develops theories of the classroom. Blog posts can be focused on a weekly set of lessons, on a unit or project, on a standard, or on a particular issue in your school or class. Unlike a paper journal, it allows for the inclusion of digital materials such as lesson plans, photos of student work, and links to resources that will benefit you in the future.

    When writing a blog with the purpose of reflection, you might ask yourself three questions:

    • What happened (in this lesson, unit, project, standard)? What is the story I would tell?
    • What have I learned? Where can I identify the successes and the failures?
    • What will I take away? How will I change for the next time?

    Here are some blogging platforms that allow for password protection or a disabling of search functionality:

    When reflection becomes part of your daily and long-term habits you act as a curious inquirer into the ways your classroom operates, ultimately becoming a theory builder and expert on your own learning and that of your students.

    Alexandra PanosAlexandra Panos is a doctoral fellow in Literacy, Culture and Language Education at Indiana University and former middle grades Language Arts teacher.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG)

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  • Writing to a real audience through a blog post is an excellent way to develop audience awareness.
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    Promoting a Collaborative Environment With Classroom Blogs

    by Marilyn E. Moore
     | Jun 13, 2014
    Students on computers
    photo credit: shareski via photopin cc

    Digital technologies have become a necessary element of learning. Blogs have become very popular in the classroom especially to promote writing. “Blogs are interactive web pages where individuals can post entries, articles, links and pictures, and ask others to join in conversations” (Cohen & Cowen, Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking, 2011, p. 51). Writing to a real audience through a blog post is an excellent way to develop audience awareness.

    A group of students who share a common interest in a topic can engage in various activities which include: 1) working on a specific task after reading connected text, 2) assigning discussion questions for teams to respond to, 3) using a case-study approach to solve a problem, and 4) presenting projects or reports online. An example of such an activity would be to write a book review for a blog. A student would inform readers of the group about the book of their choice by introducing the book, telling about the book without giving away the ending, telling about their favorite part of the book, and recommending or not recommending the book to everyone.

    There are many free blogs that facilitate interactive information sharing in collaborative digital environments. Below are blog resources for teachers.

    • Kidblog:  – Students publish posts and participate in academic discussions.
    • MixedInk: – Small groups or a whole class draft and reflect on several versions of a text written on the same topic.
    • Cool Cat Teacher Blog: – Students doing research or science fair projects are able to compile it in an infographic (written artifacts about collected resources in a visual format).
    • Google site: – Readers will see sender’s profile using Google+ Profile. Students are able to read their classmates’ posts and comment on them.
    • – Students use to create and then share a talking Avatar onto a blog post or e-mail a friend by clicking on publish.
    • Parsley Patriot Kids: – Students upload stories about adventures of their school class pet or class mascot.
    • Wordpress: – Students share favorite stories over 1,500 words.
    • Weebly: – Students create a unique blog site.
    • Interesting Way Series: -- A site where teachers can learn 64 interesting ideas for class blog posts.

    Teachers need to talk to their students about the postings to these blogs to make this approach effective.

    As you consider barriers to implementing blogs in your classroom, it is important to make sure that the barriers do not overpower the instructional goal. Lack of time during a class period may be a barrier to the integration of information and communication technology into literacy instruction. However, technology has redefined how knowledge is produced. Creation of knowledge can be as simple as a blog post.

    Marilyn MooreMarilyn E. Moore, Ed. D., ( is a Professor and Faculty Lead for the Reading Program at National University, La Jolla, California.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG)

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  • Blendspace works nicely as a visual filing cabinet for potential resources, which I’ll later post to Edmodo if I choose to use them.
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    Gathering Diverse Texts for Multimodal Enrichment

    by Angie Johnson
     | Jun 06, 2014

    For teachers in the northern hemisphere, summer has arrived. Typically, our summer work revolves around planning for the year ahead. As we look forward to the fall, we consider how to re-envision and enhance our lessons. In doing so, I am drawn to the concepts of collage—the combination of different elements to create an artistic whole—and bricolage, described by Louridas (Design Studies, 1999) as “the process of designing within contingencies by using and repurposing the tools at one’s disposal.” Today, the variety of available texts is more diverse than ever, and multimodal literacy practices demand we include these diverse texts in our instruction (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, 2004). More than ever, I find myself gathering, collecting, blending, and recombining resources like a mixed media artist. 

    Blendspace for Collages

    My preferred tool for curating multimodal morsels is a site called Blendspace. Blendspace is not unlike Pinterest in that it displays collections using image tiles instead of text descriptions or URL addresses. But I like its speed and efficiency; I can search for and preview videos, images, and websites in the sidebar and quickly drag them to my canvas. I can also narrow my search to Youtube, Google, Open Ed, Flickr, Edcreations, or Gooru.

    Added features include the ability to insert specific web pages and upload media files, Dropbox files or Google Drive files. Note that Blendspace collections are called lessons, though I used these to collect resources for an entire unit. Here’s a snapshot of my poetry collection page: 


    Transitioning to Edmodo

    Because my school uses Edmodo as a Learning Management System (LMS), I primarily use Blendspace in the gathering stage. It works nicely as a visual filing cabinet for potential resources, which I’ll later post to Edmodo if I choose to use them. However, the site does provide other LMS functions like creating classes, tracking lesson views, and creating quizzes.

    Finding Resources for Units

    What’s important here is not that I use Blendspace specifically, but that I use something to collect multimodal resources for potential inclusion in my unit. I begin a search with this question: What multimodal texts will enrich my students’ understanding of this topic?

    In the case of poetry, I found middle-school appropriate resources such as: spoken word performances by youth, poets reciting their work, videos of popular songs and their lyrics, choral performances of famous poetry put to music, photos of poetry posted in public places, and multimedia interpretations of poetry. Consistent with the argument that one of technology’s greatest affordances is in providing diversity (Dede, International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, 2008), these texts provide multiple representations of meaning. Not every student makes a connection to every text, but I reach more students by providing alternative paths to their appreciation of the genre.

    Later, in the context of the writing workshop, modeled in Kelly Gallagher’s excellent book Write Like This (2011), these multimodal texts provide examples and inspiration for our own compositions. Students write poems to “Haiku the School” with public poetry; they compose poems grounded in things and memories; and they seek and then speak their voices in a class poetry slam. In the spirit of bricolage, we create a class “coffeehouse” with a makeshift stage projected behind the poet performer, a class microphone, and background music streamed from Pandora. Finally, we create multimedia representations of our work using sites like Tackk, Haiku Deck, and Animoto, and share them with our schoolmates, our families, and the world on Edmodo, Twitter, and Youtube. In short, what began with a treasure hunt via Blendspace ends in a celebration of our literary selves.

    You can find my developing collection for poetry at this link. Happy gathering!

    Angie JohnsonAngie Johnson ( is a doctoral student in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at Michigan State University and teaches 8th grade Language Arts at Lakeshore Middle School, in Stevensville, MI.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG)

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  • School is out for summer! Is there anything better than the first days of summer break? I always have a ton of plans for the productive things I will do with my time off—after taking a few days for myself, of course.
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    Do-It-Yourself Professional Development

    by Lindsey Fuller
     | Jun 04, 2014
    Do-It-Yourself Professional Development
    photo credit: CollegeDegrees360
    via photopin cc

    School is out for summer! Is there anything better than the first days of summer break? I always have a ton of plans for the productive things I will do with my time off—after taking a few days for myself, of course.

    Summer break provides teachers with a much-needed chance to relax and regroup after a stressful school year, but it also presents us with an opportunity to continue our own education without having to be absent from our classrooms.

    My favorite way to engage in professional development activities during the summer months is by finding sources of online content that is geared towards my needs and interests. By engaging in online learning, I can remain in the comfort of my own home and even follow my own schedule. As an added bonus, many of the opportunities offered online are free, and some even provide Continuing Education (CE) credits. (And don’t think I forgot about apps—there’s one of those, too!)

    TeachersFirst is a website that offers tons of teacher resources, including both live and archived professional development sessions on topics that range from blogging in the classroom to working with parents. The sessions are short and easy to manage on a tight schedule. Certificates of completion are available for live session participants, which allows teachers to get CE credits.

    Coursera is available both online and through a mobile app, which adds an element of flexibility to the resources that are offered. Coursera's content includes a variety of college-level topics, including teacher education in subjects such as student assessment, using 21st century skills in the classroom, and educational philosophy. Some content is even available for non-English speakers. The courses are free and typically last around six weeks, with a statement of accomplishment being awarded upon completion. Many courses offer a Signature Track option; for a small fee, you’ll receive a verified certificate issued by Coursera and the partnering university.

    Concept to Classroom is a website that offers free, self-paced workshops for professional educators. The range of topics is somewhat smaller on this site, but the workshops are intended to cover "hot topics" in the educational field. Some of the current offerings include “Cooperative and Collaborative Learning” and “Teaching to Academic Standards.” Participants can print completion certificates to be used for professional development credits.

    EdWeb is another web-based professional development resource that conducts both live sessions and houses a library of archived sessions to aid teachers in completing professional development. Live session participants will receive CE credits, but in the event that you are unable to participate in the live session, you can view the archived material and complete a quiz in order to earn credit. Upcoming topics include digital citizenship, early literacy instruction for students on the autism spectrum, and integrating stretch texts. The topics are timely and highly relevant for practicing teachers.

    The Teaching Channel takes a little different approach than the rest of the resources listed here. The professional development is informal, and all the resources are created by teachers to be shared with their colleagues. The website houses a massive collection of videos that range from subject area lesson plans to models of best practices and new teaching methods. The variety is incredible, and the videos are an excellent source of inspiration for a teacher who is looking to bring something new to the classroom.

    Engaging in continuing education is essential to staying up-to-date in a profession that changes at such a rapid pace. Online sources such as these allow teachers to work from home while taking advantage of the extra time that summer break provides. If hiring a babysitter and spending warm, beautiful days in a conference room doesn't appeal to you, take the time to explore these options. Kick back, relax, and learn at your own pace!


    Lindsey Fuller is a sixth grade teacher in Decatur, Illinois. Her interests are classroom technology integration, literacy instruction, and Common Core curriculum development and implementation. You can read more from Lindsey on these topics at her blog, Tales of a 6th Grade Classroom.

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  • Grade 7 teacher Stacey Reed aligns a life science lesson to CCSS and NGSS standards using free technology tools and student poster sessions.
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    Science Writing and Universal Design for Learning

    by Stacey Reed and Peggy Coyne
     | May 30, 2014

    In October, our article, Science Writer and Universal Design for Learning, Stacey Reed, a seventh grade life science teacher in Wayland, Massachusetts, presented ideas for how to use Science Writer, a free interactive web-based instructional tool to support students’ writing scientific reports. Based on the framework of Universal Design for Learning, Science Writer provides students with many choices and levels of support for learning. Student engagement is increased by the fact that each student makes decisions about how much or how little support they require while they develop the report. Stacey also shared a chart that she developed highlighting the process she uses to engage students in designing good experiments, asking good questions and communicating their thoughts in a scientific manner. In this article, Stacey will share additional ideas she uses to support student engagement with the scientific process.

    The culminating assignment of a course I took a couple of years ago was the seemingly mundane assignment of giving a presentation to the class on a topic with a partner. One twist, however, was that I had never met any of the classmates I had been working with for the past several weeks. There was also the small detail of my partner living in Singapore with a 12-hour time difference. My partner and I had to work out how to work asynchronously online to create a product. In the human body unit, I strove to provide my students with a similar experience in order to prepare them for the asynchronous collaborative environments of their future study and work.

    Before researching, we built some background knowledge in a flipped classroom. Students accessed information via my website and completed Google forms before conducting experiments during class. The information included videos from TedEd, BrainPop, and news clips, as well as articles. Many students found the text-to-speech feature (found in many browsers as Edit--->Speech) particularly useful while developing technical vocabulary. Students are intrinsically interested and have many specific questions during this human anatomy unit of my life science classroom. Conducting a research project is a great way to channel these questions and, in the process, tap in to various CCSS standards while accomplishing major NGSS content standards. This project was heavily influenced by the NGSS cross-cutting concept of structure and function, and the body system content standard of MS-LS1-3. Students also evaluated resources and collaboratively published a research project, utilizing standards from CCSS, specifically ELA.W.7.6-8.

    Reed's Students Present Posters
    Reed's students present their posters
    about life science


    In order to accomplish these goals, students from different sections of my science classes then chose health issue topics and were matched, with each topic being unique. Many were matched with unfamiliar classmates. A few students remarked that being able to work asynchronously instead of sitting next to their partner allowed them to feel less stressed and work at their own pace. About a third of students worked only face-to-face with their partner, whereas the majority of students used at least one asynchronous communication tool.

    Students used a common Google Doc of research cards from my copied template to record their research. Each card had space to record the keywords used, the relevant subtopic, the direct quote, a paraphrase, and bibliographic information. Having both the direct quote and the paraphrase on the same page allowed me to evaluate their understanding and, if needed, direct towards more accessible reading. Google Advanced Search and many library catalogs allow students to search for information at various levels. Students devised many different strategies to organize the information on the shared document, many using color-coding to signify subtopics and card ownership.

    Students then took their information and created a research poster in Google Slides, copied from a template. The template was modeled from research posters I had created in college and graduate school to explain my research during poster sessions. Students could choose to use a guided template or work from a blank version. When the information was complete and all of the sources were cited, students submitted their work to a shared Google Drive folder. I then printed and hung the 24”x36” posters, and students had their own poster session. Students had prepared answers for at least five mandatory questions that faculty would assess, but also for the back and forth of a conversation. With technical vocabulary like “anterior tibial tubercle” and “leukocytes” used in conversation during the session, students demonstrated how expert in their fields they had become.


    Sample Google Slides Projects




    Sample Research Card

    Sample Research Card

    Peggy CoynePeggy Coyne is a Research Scientist at CAST, Inc.

    Stacey ReedStacey Reed is a seventh grade life science teacher in Wayland, MA.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG)

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