20 Research Articles for 2020

"Black Boys Can Write: Challenging Dominant Framings of African American Adolescent Males in Literacy Research" by Marcelle Haddix (Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2009)

Haddix asks educators and researchers alike to confront and disrupt bias and stereotypes about adolescent African American boys and their interest in and ability to write. Yet are our culture and educational systems set up to encourage these youth to discover the power of their voice via writing? Haddix asks us to review not only how we approach writing practice as acceptable in our classrooms but also how we can mitigate the effects of cultural stereotypes on these boys in our literacy instruction.

Reviewed by Madison Edgar, Sam Houston State University

Haddix, M. (2009). Black boys can write: Challenging dominant framings of African American adolescent males in literacy research. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(4),341–343. https://doi.org/10.1598/JAAL.53.4.8

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