Join us at 7:00 p.m. CT July 16 for our next Google Hangout on Air, streaming live from the International Literacy Association 2015 Conference in St. Louis!
Allison Hogan and Meenoo Rami will discuss what brings them to ILA 2015 and both will touch upon why being an advocate for literacy—and networking with fellow advocates—is important to them. Hogan, a teacher and ILA member, will highlight what she gets out of the annual conference and Rami, a Featured Speaker, will provide a preview of her talk. During the Hangout, we will also offer a glimpse of St. Louis as we explore the sights and sounds of the city and count down the hours to ILA 2015.
Allison Hogan teaches kindergarten and first grade at the Episcopal School of Dallas in Texas. She looks for ways for her students to learn outside of the classroom, using platforms such as Twitter and Skype as vehicles for her students to connect with the world outside of their classroom. Hogan has been recognized as an Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development Emerging Leader and a National Association of Independent Schools Teacher of the Future.
Meenoo Rami, a National Board Certified teacher, teaches English at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As she challenges her students to think critically about the word and the world, Rami, too, is constantly networking and advocating for literacy beyond her classroom. She has shared her classroom practice at conferences such as NCTE, ISTE, ASCD, Urban Sites Network Conference for National Writing Project, #140edu, and EduCon, which she cochairs annually. Rami also facilitates connectivity among English teachers with her weekly Twitter chat #engchat. She is the author of Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re) Invigorate Your Teaching (Heinemann, 2014), in which she shares strategies for becoming a confident and, of course, connected teacher.
The Hangout on Air discussion will be tweeted live using the hashtag #ILAHangout, where followers have the opportunity to win books from Conference authors, in addition to the running Conference hashtag #ILA15. The Hangout will stream live on the ILA YouTube channel at 7:00 p.m. CT and will be archived for later access.
The ILA 2015 Conference will be held July 18–20 in St. Louis, MO, with more than 6,000 educators ready to transform their practice. Key topics affecting literacy featured at the conference include content literacy, children’s literature, classroom engagement, and professional development. In addition to conference favorites, including a revamped Teaching Edge series and the Putting Books to Work panels, more than 120 exhibitors will be on hand with new tools and technologies for all manners of literacy education.
Learn more about the conference programs at Register today for the ILA 2015 Conference to take advantage of special Early Bird pricing, ending today!
Olivia Duke is a communications intern for the International Literacy Association.